Tuesday, August 17, 2004

Blog types

I've spent a bit of time today checking out the new Next Blog feature on the Blogger navbar. What I found is kind of disturbing. Most blogs fell into the following categories:

  • Teenagers deliberately mispelling and randomly capitalizing their entries. At least, I hope it's deliberate.

  • Foreign language sites (How could they? Don't they know I can't read jibberish?)

  • Angry rants about day to day issues.

  • Ultra-specific agendas - Christianity, Judaisim, Atheism, Conservatism, Liberalism, Sexualism, etc.

  • What-I-Did-Today-In-Chronological-Order (ie. "7:30am Woke-up. Had to go pee. Managed to get back to sleep. 9:37am Cat jumped on my head." I only made half of that up. Guess which half.)

While these sites serve valid purposes to those who are drawn to them, I wonder where the other sites are. Here is my naked plea:

If none of the above appeals to you, please start a blog and share what does.

I'm curious and there must be others that would be. My current gold standard is Moira.


Blogger Moira said...

Thanks, Wendy! Willamette Week just did a story on Oregon blogs, and mine fell into the category of "one of the thousands that suck," so it's awfully sweet of you to call me your gold standard. Glad to hear you're doing well across the country, and I dig the dots!

4:50 PM  
Blogger Wendy said...

A Timbers fan made it ahead of you? I could understand the Trailblazers guy being on the list, what with the wide appeal, but a Timbers fan? Those Willamette Week guys are so hit or miss.

6:04 PM  
Blogger veggiedude said...

Hey Wendy,

your site looks fine on Windows, but it is screwed up in Safari and in IE on Mac OS X. So sorry.

I was also using the same spotty template until this week, when I finally decided to make my own design. It is called 'the vegblog' and it really isn't about anything, just whatever happens to come into my head each day, which is usually news related.


6:53 PM  
Blogger Wendy said...

Bad news about the template. I'll check out the other ones on the Macs at school and see what works. And I'll be sure to go look at your site. Thanks!


10:02 PM  

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