Yeah, that'll go on my list
There's an article in the Atlantic Monthly about this guy named David Allen. He's some organizational guru who's website doesn't give any information away for free - he charges $30 for a downloadable PDF - but from what James Fallows writes about the system it makes sense: Write down what's on your mind in lists organized by where you'll be to complete the task and forget about the worry. Just remember to go back over the lists, of course.
So rather than buy a Palm Pilot, I bought a memo pad with 5 different neon colors for $1.69 - 100 times cheaper. I feel more organized, but I was kind of organized to begin with. My personal uninformed adaptation of his system is to make lots of sub-categories of my major ones. (Things to buy/get/see, Communication, Things to do at home, Things to do at studio, Long-term goals) I'm glad he mentions the two-minute rule: If it can be done in two minutes just do it, don't put it on a list. I tend to get overzealous with list making and that's a good stopper for me.We'll see if I'm still reading through my lists and checking them twice in a couple of weeks.
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