Monday, November 14, 2005

Gray sky frowning on me

Okay, so I'm bored with the infill project, a bit lonely, obsessed with being online, eating unhealthy, having trouble focusing for longer than half an hour or so, feeling like I want to cry and I don't want to cry at the same time. When was the last time the sun came out? Um... Friday, sort of, for about an hour. Before that was Tuesday for about twenty minutes. The forecast for this week? Sun on Tuesday and Friday. I'm seeing a pattern here. It's nice to be reminded of exactly why I can't move back to Portland, in case I'd forgotten, but, wow, this sucks.

The Sunshine Hours Page lists U.S. cities and their average annual days of sunshine. I may choose my next city solely off of this.

  • Raleigh - a respectable 111 days, but I ain't staying.

  • New York - similar to Raleigh, 107 days

  • Portland - a measly 68 days

  • San Francisco - 167 days... Oh, that looks nice.

    Blogger Pylaydia said...

    Lonely and sun difecant? That doth truly suck my lady in a strange land. I'll try to keep an eye on you skype icon and catch you. Until then...;p

    6:13 AM  
    Blogger John said...

    You could get one of those cool artificial sunlight lamps. Maybe a mini one. Go spend 15 or 20 minutes in a nearby petstore playing with kitties or watching colorful fishies. That always makes me feel better.

    2:40 PM  
    Blogger Wendy said...

    Oooh, yeah I could go watch the pygmy marmosets again. I spent 30 minutes doing that last time. They don't sell puppies and kitties at the pet store. Lots of bunnies, mice, hamsters, birds, snakes (a coral snake, a rattlesnake - who is stupid enough to buy them?), a chameleon, other lizards, etc.

    4:40 AM  
    Blogger John said...

    Lots of snakes but no Puppies/Kittens, hmmm. Seems like a good way to keep the population down, or a way to promote people going to animal shelters. I think they can remove the venom glands in the rattlesnakes ;)

    12:43 PM  

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