LibraryThing, my latest vice
Because I'm completely addicted and because Tim is such a cool guy to create and maintain it, here is my huge plug for LibraryThing.
Catalogue the books you own (or recreate your library of read books, like me), see who has similar libraries, get suggested additions based on the books you "own" compared to others who own the same books, rate them (5 star system, but unlike Amazon's click-once system, you have to click once for each star, cumbersome. It's not Amazon, but there could still be a faster way of rating, sorry, Tim.), add tags (keywords) to multiple books at once with the nifty Power Edit mode, add books quickly by clicking a bookmarklet when on an page, or by clicking the "plus" icon next to someone else's' book, see sitewide statistics on the Zeitgeist page (14,320 books added in the last 24 hours) and spend hours reading through other libraries.
It's bibliophile porn that keeps getting juicier.
It's free up to 200 books, $10 for a year, and $25 for lifetime use. (This is the first website that I've decided to pay for and I used to work for a dotcom!) You want to be addicted, too, you know it.
You bought a book. You read the book. You love the book. But you won't click five times for it?
Okay, okay, I'm caving! :)
See what I mean? Tim, you're the coolest. :) Who wouldn't want to be a part of this?
I totally love LibraryThing, too. Can't get enough of it. I think I'm going to have to start writing in Internet-free cafes. It's hard to get any work done with such a cool distraction just one click away.
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