Tuesday, November 08, 2005

Citizens and the spying spies who spy

Pragmatic Prague has a long and intimate history with it's secret police. From at least the 1850's until the 1970's and 1980's, intellectuals had regular tables in certain coffee shops and the police informers had tables right next to the intellectuals. Informers would attend the funerals of those they spied on. Often, one was spied on for no other reason than earning the informer's attention. The stifling world of Franz Kafka's The Trial wasn't, as I had thought, a complete invention of a troubled mind. Imagining this nightmarish situation always leaves me with a sense of release, "Whew. Boy, I'm glad it isn't like that now." And then I read something as depressing as it is disturbing.


Blogger Pylaydia said...

Hiya wendy,
just wanted to let you know...I skype now....so if you ever need to hear horrid american english peppered with a southren twist and plenty of swears, search me under p. I'm on an odd time frame, as my Illumination lives in the UK, so just drop a line if you have the yen. Hope your doing alright over there and still having fun.

8:33 AM  
Blogger Wendy said...

I've added you as a contact. So what is your Illumination, exactly? A gaming guild or something?

8:40 AM  
Blogger Pylaydia said...

My Illumination is an English gentelman....and we spend hours on the messanger, I follow his time frame for the most part. He is the reason I downloaded skype.

11:30 AM  

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