London to Paris in 2h 35min
So the keyboqrds here qre crqwy: For instqnce; I knoz thqt the apostrophe exists in French but IĆ¹ll be dq,ed if I cqn find it on this keyboqrd:
Okay, I will hunt and peck so that this makes sense.
I miss London and I only just left. Paris is cool but my French is awful, so this is a problem. It is dirtier, not as user friendly, but the Seine is more intimate than the Thames and more architecturally significant since it is contained within human construction. I sat on the edge of the stone embankment for a while listening to the caribbean band that was playing as part of Paris Plage. There was nothing to stop me from jumping the 8 feet or so into the water, except it's repugnance. (Found apostrophe.) I was completely shocked to see a fish hatchling and then a whole school of them and then larger ones. Life is resilient.
Walking along the Seine this beautiful evening, I saw a mooning of a tour boat ("C'est la plus belle Paris!" one guy yelled as he smacked the other guy's cheek, or something like it, my French is abysmal.) and a fashion shoot (I stumbled into it, really. The sun was in my eyes behind a mist machine. I heard, "Lift your leg up!" and saw a woman's silhouette standing in the mist raising a child. I thought, "Her husband's right, that's a good shot" so I took it, too, before I realized what was going on.).
Within an hour of being here I was hit on twice. None of this subtle stuff that I completely miss in the U.S. and the U.K., but full on, "I love you. You are so beautiful." Damn, I wish my French were better. The comebacks I would zing. *sigh*
My hotel is clean and bright and half the price of London. Now if only the rest of the prices were half the price, I mean normal.
Tomorrow, first thing, is Sainte Chapelle. I am so excited. ;)
Oh Wendy, it sounds so wonderful. Hope you have the best time. I really like your food blog and wish you could update it along with your travels.
Thanks, I wish I could, too, but it will have to wait until I'm somewhere with wireless internet, I think.
But I've been keeping track, so it'll all be there eventually. :)
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