Grooving with WKNC
Typically, the term "campus radio" brings to mind the eclectic mix, to put it kindly, that 88.1 played back in my undergrad days at the U of Oregon. But NC State's station, WKNC, rocks. (Streaming MP3.) Everything they play is good. My favorite "who knew?" program is Geet Bazaar (Bollywood pop) Sunday mornings from 10 to 11am (EST).
Southern Comfort Burrito
This was a surprisingly good "ready for food again" lunch (went to the best party last night):
canned black beans
baked sweet potato
canned turnip and mustard greens
white cheddar cheese
inside a whole wheat tortilla.
Mmmm... Of course, it was feasible only because the sweet potato and rice were already made. I cook up a batch on the weekends and put them together with different things during the week.
Alternative insulation types
Inno-Therm is recycled cotton batting, non-toxically treated for pest protection, that is meant for insulation. There is also cellulose insulation. But, of course, the definitive article about insulation lies at Mother Earth News. That fiberglass is no longer a necessary evil.
Mozilla Firefox
I haven't mentioned it before because I'm way behind the curve on this one, but I love Mozilla Firefox. After several years of playing with alternative browsers, I conceded Internet Explorer's supremacy because everyone writes for it and I was tired of dealing with the bizarre things that would happen in browsers that couldn't handle that. But Firefox is incredible. It's been about a month since installation without a single page displaying incorrectly. The multiple tabs, instead of multiple windows, the icon skins, the imbedded search engine field - it's a drop down where you choose what engine you want to search - the almost endless customizability... Are more reasons necessary?
IE can finally be uninstalled (haha, as if you could).
Happy squares
Ah, obsession is not easy to avoid. When one topic necessarily takes up every moment and then eats into your sleep time as well, it seems inevitable that deprogramming will be needed. Save me from the Cult of the Shiny Squares. They appear in my designs despite my best intentions. It has to be the building we're in. They're impossible to ignore, right?

All nighter number 1
Welcome to the first caffeine-fueled push of the new school year. The hellish assignment, which I perversely enjoyed, is done and ready to turn in with even enough time to get an hour of sleep before work. Now tomorrow night's push will be for my review on Friday. It would be nice to have something to present.
Happy September! :D