When do I panic?
It's a week until my final review. I've just discarded building scheme 7 or 8. How unexpected to be earning my masters in crapitecture. It is entirely possible that I will not have a completed project next week. This is not a process studio so I can't even show what I've been working on. *sigh* So screwed.
Aaaah! Designer's Block sucks! I got nothing. Three weeks with this admittedly difficult project and I have zero to show for it. Eventually I'll have to stick with something but I can't stomach anything I've come up with so far. I need a visit from the Design Fairy.
Don't say it until it's all over, please.
The one benefit of a close election is that the networks are reluctant to call a winner until late in the evening. Nationally announcing election results before all polls have closed effects how people vote on the West Coast. So what if the ratings are substantial? Down with Election Night coverage!